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  • Simple is Beauty


    by Geelyn,Apr/02/2024

    It's because God raised our savior Jesus Christ from the dead to wipe away our sins that we can declare, "He is risen." šŸ™ ā¤

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    Life questions you need answers to? Ask me

    by synergy,Mar/14/2024

    Do you think some questions in Life are difficult or impossible to answer? Do you need someone to help you through a complex life problem? Ask me I can help

  • I'm interested in long, philosophical talks that bares our souls.

    Say what you mean and mean what you say

    by Glenda72278,Jan/12/2024

    There are some on here that want to call you a liar. I'm no liar. I'm brutally honest but most can't handle my version of truth. Some will say they don't judge. But they do. Some will say that they are an open book but when you ask about a certain chapter in their life, they close off (unhealed) ... Read the whole post