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Welcome to LuvFree! No credit card required to contact singles here. Luvfree is a completely 100% free online dating site. We strive to keep our database full of real people and free of fake profiles with photos of non-existent hotties. Luvfree is a real dating website for real people that uses absolutely none of the tricks used by other sites in the online dating industry. If this sounds like what you're looking for, then sign up for a Luvfree account and join our community today!

100% Free Dating Site

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  • No charges for messages
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  • Up to 30 photos on your profile page
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Featured blog posts

  • BEST in LIFE is for FREE

    Friendship richer than "love"

    by Joei,Jun/15/2024

    Lots of people on here don't even give it a try , an openminded one, in the HERE and NOW. Well - as the saying goes .. "You can lead a horse to the water. What you can't is just this: make the horse drink" 😊 Yet the MUSIC never ends as it is Mother Nature's endless drum beat

  • No photo


    by PolePosition09,Jun/06/2024

    Some things get even better with some extra effort... joy, pleasure, peace.

  • Just moved to the area from FAR AWAY...

    Women NEAR Champagne, Illinois

    by Gstark88,May/19/2024

    Where are you!!??