More About Myself... I probably have more Trust for Animals then I do for most Humans
by BlueRaven,May/17/2016
I have learned, since I am much older
would also have to add myself or include myself
also, that most humans, both men and woman has
an Evil side also. Maybe its better just to
remain single, and just never get involved in
any relationships. Been Hurt before, sick of
headgames with people, again I do not TRUST many
people. I have more Respect for Animals then I do
most humans. But I am not going to give up here.
This is my reason, I do not want to rush
into some serious relationship. I rather
get to know someone.
Again I am new here, I will be uploading
personal pictures of myself. I thought I would
Add a Photo of my Birds. Yes I have 2 Wonderful
Parakeets that are like my Best friends, like
family. Been Raising Parakeets (Birds) for
many years now. Also grew up on Ranch,
Doing Ranch Work, Chickens, Cattle, We had
Horses, grew up as a kid, around animals
most my life here.
I am pretty much a loner, like I said I do not
TRUST many people, so if I do ever meet someone,
I do not want to rush, only just friends, and
get to know a person, more about a person, and
who they are, and what makes a person tick.
Friendship only.
My main focus in my life, Yes I have my Faith
in JESUS. I do not go to no church. I left the
Counterfeit Fake Churches. Amercanized
Churches today are Businesses, that want you
to DIG Deep and Give your these
Fake Pastors in the Church. Please Reasearch
what I am saying. I am speaking Truth.
I also do Internet Radio Broadcasting with
a very good friend, that gets Truth out
I have my own personal Website where I have
my Information on. I also use You Tube, Twitter
for getting Truth out. Again I have been
researching for many years.
I pray People WAKE UP to Truth what is really
happening out in this Real world we all live
in. We have been all Lied to, and yes
the Churches are Lying to everyone. False
Teachers, False Prophets, Wolves in SHeeps
Clothing Fake Countefeit Churches.
Again Real Followers of Jesus, have left the
Fake Churches, the Church is NOT a Building.
Some people may understand what I am saying,
others may not.
I thought I would share this, cause I doubt
serious to be honest, and I'm not trying to
sound negative, but I would hope to find a
person who has Similar Faith like I do
Hoping I can find a Woman for mainly
friendship, who is Woken up to Truth
like myself.
Thomas ...aka BlueRaven
Peace out there 8)