Little girls and flowers a story of de javu and rememberance by Bobb Marly
by BobbPoetMarly,Aug/24/2021
When my daughters were little, my oldest barely out of diapers she used to help me plant flowers. I one flower in particular that was my favorite, a star gazer lilly! Large pink streaked and spotted pedals and large yellow stamin and a scent that was surely from heaven! It would bloom every year around the time of my birthday and I would call it my birthday flower.
The sad thing about star gazers is they only last for a day or two and then they are gone for the year. Well my precious little girl came in the house with the flower that had just bloomed with the biggest smile on her face and eyes lit up like stars so happy with the treasure she was bringing me! At first I was a bit put off when I saw the flower but then I saw those beautiful eyes and that joyouse smile and I absorbed the moment and enjoyed her presence.
Years later my daughters live in different states and I do not get to visit them but once a year if possible. At the end of the drive way by the road of the place that I live now there is a culvert and every year wild trillium come up. At first it was just one small pink flower the next year the flower was bigger and this year there were three of them pink and beautiful! I have always enjoyed seeing the beauty that God put in that ditch to make me smile. Well last week my nieghbor was out with his grandaughter for a walk and they were stopped in front of my drive way talking with someone so I went up to see what was going on and as I approached the little girl stepped down into the ditch and picked all three flowers! And yes at first I was a little upset but when I got to them she turned and handed the the three flowers very neatly arranged to her grandpa and de javue I remembered my daughter and my birthday flower and that moment of joy and I was then very pleased that this sweet little girl picked those flowers and reminded me of my own little flower snatcher who brought me so much joy.
Copyright © Bobb Marly | Year Posted 2021