ButchinNortheastTX blog post



by ButchinNortheastTX,Feb/10/2020

How important are photos to you? To me they are very important. It's not so much about looks as it is to indicate that you are real. Some people can't or don't know how to do photos. There's nothing wrong with that. From what I've been reading a lot of the scammers do not use photos, but many do.

As I was doing a search I came across the profile of a person whose age was suppose to be 26, in her bio she said she is 23 but her photo looks like she is a teenager. If possible keep your photos up to date. Now that age is way to young for me so I just bypassed it. It may be an honest mistake but how can you be both 26 and 23? I guess it's possible that she joined 3 years ago and never updated her profile but I think I saw the same person on another profile where she is 22.

I do know someone who looks younger than she actually is. I tease her and tell her she had her first kid when she was 2. He's 21 or 22.

Unless I know who you are I will bypass anyone who does not have a photo.

Some of the online things I've been reading say to post at least 4 photos. One said no more than 12. There seems to be some contradiction as whether or not to use a selfie. Most of the advice seems to recommend that you have either a friend or professional take the photo.

Taking a photo in your bedroom is also not recommended.

There seems to be some contradiction on whether or not to use children or animals and just about everything I read says not to include them or group pictures in your main profile picture and to only use group pictures if you can be clearly identified. I actually had a friend take a photo of me yesterday morning so I could get a decent picture. Everyone I read said to make sure your face can be clearly seen and to include a full body shot.

Anyway if I can find someone to go with me I think I will go to the state park and try to take an "activity" picture. Have a great day and God Bless.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Feb/11/2020

    One surefire way to get what you need is to have a passport photo in a photo booth.

  • By ??? ,Feb/13/2020

    You are very right in wanting to see a photograph. However, there is no way that you can be sure it is of the person you are dealing with. Mr. Ghosts has made a great recommendation for a way to be sure that the person you're interested in is who they say they are. Another way to deal with this photograph verification is to ask them to provide you with a current picture of them that has that day's date circled on a calendar. It has worked for me over and over again. For the most part one who is a scammer will refuse to send the photo and will try to make you feel guilty for asking them for one. Don't make the mistake of allowing them to manipulate you, - No Photo, No Relationship, Period! - I think that my suggestion is a good one especially because not everyone has a passport. :)

  • No photo
    By Gab ,Feb/13/2020

    I beg to disagree.. am SORRY! I dont usually upload pictures but I am certainly NOT a scammer or fake. I never scammed people my whole life... I know there are lots of people here that dont have pictures too, I understand. Sometimes, there are just things that need NOT to tell or show the whole crowd here how good looking these people are, LOL... plus there are ways to show pictures as well as there are ways how to detect a scammers too.... After all, people have decisions , make use of it... It's only a matter of TO SCAM or NOT TO BE SCAMMED!

  • By ??? ,Feb/13/2020

    Hello! Miss Gab. We all have our own ways of doing things and we need not agree with each other. It is up to each individual person to make their own decisions as to what course of action to take. :)

  • Hi there
    By ButchinNortheastTX ,Feb/14/2020

    I agree that it's OK to disagree. As mentioned in my post there are some people who can't show photos. However Readers digest does have an online article about how important the photos are.

    But you're right there are ways people with photos can scam people. If I remember right this dating site that we are on has a list of people who were scammers that had photos. They also have a long list of scammers who use certain email addresses.

    I'm on other dating sites including a couple of "adult" sites. One I stopped going to at all because it was too "adult" for me. Only one of those do I still even visit because they generally restrict what you can post including photos.

    But photos are important to me and I sometimes get emails in my regular email from people who are much younger than me and want me to go to sex sites, not nudist sites but sex sites and I think there is a difference. Having said that sometimes the lack of information could give people the impression that you have something to hide even if you don't. Thank You for your comment and God Bless You.

  • By ??? ,Mar/27/2020

    Agree. Photos are important. One is good, just to know who we write and get to know for a start.Remember this is online,basically a first step of interest.

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