Cquel blog post


Why do a person need to get angry if he was deleted as a friend?

by Cquel,Feb/10/2017

my point of view of deleting someone is Big LIER. i hate it so much, i dont need to explain and dont need to block me either is because u hurt? that is y u can say bad words if u offended? common grow up, be sport.... i am not your thing and also dont be a pretender.. be real man.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

  • By ??? ,Dec/15/2018

    I just noticed that you have a couple of blogs online. No one should be saying bad words on this site, and also I hate it that there are so many male scammers and liars on these sites. Dating sites are for people who are looking for love and for a life's partner, and someone to be their best friend and devoted to one another for life. When a guy acts like this guy apparently did he should not be on this site as it should be only for people who are looking for a true friend and someone very special to love and whom to devote one another's lives in the deepest of mutual feelings and emotions.

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