Debbie1214 blog post


Good morning

by Debbie1214,May/26/2018

Are you as lonesome as I am? Do you long to take a woman in your arms and just hold her?

  • By ??? ,May/26/2018

    MY GOSH! hold me back :)

  • Hello
    By Debbie1214 ,May/26/2018

    lol you always seem to have a way to make my day and to put a smile on my face and for this I thank you!! :)

  • By ??? ,May/26/2018

    Tis what little I can do for you dear :)

  • No photo
    By muddlefred ,May/31/2018

    lonesome is not the word for it. you know what i miss. someone to talk with at about our day and life. or at night , sitting on the couch, cuddleing, steal a kiss, laugh, caress. smile again

  • Hello
    By Debbie1214 ,Jun/01/2018

    I feel the same way you do muddlefred. I miss having companionship. thank you for leaving a comment. hope you have a great day!

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