EssentialMix blog post


another decade

by EssentialMix,Dec/30/2019

Here we are, not just at the end of a year but at the end of the decade. Most will be making new years resolutions, which will be broken within weeks. This year I hope you will all join me with mine. It's the same as most years and hopefully I will stick to it as I have every year so far. My resolution is to be a nicer, kinder person than I was last year. If we all do it the world will be a better place to live it. I wish each and every one of you a very happy new decade, may all your dreams come true.

  • By ??? ,Dec/31/2019

    There are so many things wrong with and in this world that it is impossible to pin it on one or some things. However, if we start with ourselves and stick with it you're correct EssentialMix this world can and should be a better place. :)

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Jan/05/2020

    Essential mix, I recognise that username,also known as the essential selection, it was the title of a great sereis of music on radio one quite a few years ago, they always had awesome tunes to play, I would always record the show each Friday night and then go out in my car blasting out these awesome tunes around the neibourhood.

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