Jim1970 blog post


One Thing I’m Trying to Figure Out

by Jim1970,Jul/27/2019

The best thing I can get whenever I have had a bad day is the feet of my girl, and I don’t know why.

This is more than just my having a foot fetish (which studies have shown to be at the top of the list). The soles of a woman’s feet bring me down to base again. Believe me, you’re going to know when it’s something else-and you get them kissed either way.

I lay by them and don’t say much-if anything-for quite a while. There is something about seeing the soles which calms me down-and I’m still trying to figure out what that is.

A woman would know exactly what’s on my mind by watching what I do.

As for what else I like to do, I love to wash her feet and massage them with lotion or oil.

Do you like to be awakened to the feeling of lips on your bare feet? I love to wake a woman this way.

While it’s true that I love the curves of a woman’s feet, I love the woman who gave hers to me even more.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts
    By Thir13en_Ghosts ,Oct/21/2019

    Womens feet don't do anything for me and I find it hard to understand anyone with a foot fetish, I see feet as smelly and probably the most abused part of the body from walking they get rough skin, dead skin and so they take quite a hammering in a lifetime and they reflect the signs of that in damage.

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