JohnAuthor blog post


Outstanding Tips For a Great Online Dating Profile

by JohnAuthor,Feb/09/2016

According to the statistics dated Jan 1, 2014, 54.2 million singles use online dating sites. Of those, 52.4% are males and 47.6% are females. It is also said that 64% of those who use online dating sites say that common interests are the most important factor. These common interests are communicated though your profile. Although the written section of your profile may not be the only determining factor as to why someone may respond to you, it is no doubt a significant contributor. This is why you should pay close attention to every detail that encompasses your online profile. People today, tend to scan online text until they find something interesting. It is at that point when they will read. As a former user of online dating sites, I would do exactly that. I'd look at the person's photo, if I liked their pictures, I would take note of their age, status, location, education, and zodiac sign. I would then finish the profile review with reading their comments. Check the following list to see if your written profile measures up.

1) Profile Pictures - Your pictures should be crisp and clear. The background should not be distracting. Your presentation should be your "best" self whether in jeans and a nice shirt, or a beautiful dress or suit. A smile should always adorn your face. Ladies please wear light makeup preferably applied by a professional and guys, a neat, clean-cut appearance. A bright smile and happy demeanor will always attract people to a profile. You should not have any other singular images on your profile but yourself (this includes, friends, relatives, pets, landscapes, cars, etc.). If you are posing with someone, kindly display no more than one photo. Again, all dating sites are about promoting yourself. Certainly you should not wear any masks or frumpy clothes in any of the pictures you post to your profile. I also recommend that you give your potential mate a chance to see your figure without revealing too much or sending the wrong message. A single bathing suit shot would be nice but again, ladies classy yet elegant. Guys no Speedos. Make sure at least one of your pictures is a close-up with an excellent smile.

2) Your Profile - I think a good profile should be anywhere from 100 - 150 words. Some sites prefer 300 words. The key here is to add value to your profile with whatever amount of words you chose. If you tend to ramble, then less is more. Again, you are promoting yourself smartly to attract someone with a common interest. The opening of your profile should cause someone to want to keep reading it like a great novel. The following is my suggestion as to how you should NOT begin your profile:

I want...
I need...
I do not like...
If you are here to play...
Beginning your profile with statements like these convey a very negative impression.

Instead, try the following using positive and pleasant words:

Hi, my name is (Name), and I enjoy being with someone who is...
I am (name), and I like: reading, talking and touching, walking in the rain with my loved one...
(Name) here, and if you like cuddling, laughing and going on simple dates... then we already have much in common...

3) Try To Put Your Most Authentic Self Into Words - Write your profile with passion, enthusiasm and humor. Remember that some who may visit your profile may read it to the very end. Finally, be sure to use your spell-check and read your words out loud to check for tone. Sometimes the words we mean to say in our heads can read very course and abrupt on paper. Kindly convey what YOU have to offer, and can bring to the relationship table. All too often, I remember reading profiles of those who would say only what THEY wanted out of a relationship... nothing else. I find that relationships work best when we are mindful of others and how we may be a blessing to them.

There are approximately 54,250,000 singles in the U.S., and about 41,250,000 have tried online dating. I believe that having a great online dating profile can help you receive the reviews and replies that you seek. Consider taking the time to review your profile with new insight today. Its my hope that it will shine and likely bring you the great results that you seek.

- John Williams

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