How does your ordinary day look like? And, how so? Why? Explain ...
by ThuhL,Sep/01/2020The valley of Las Vegas, NV—as weird as it may sound—should be an oasis. Since, of course, palm trees still grow here. However, it's long begun known that its a desert! IDK, I just find that estranged. Well—A typical day for me is as if unluck versus luck versus unluck, again, is unluck some more (full legalization of all variations of LGBTQIA+ Human Rights throughout the globe, anyone?—Even the next planet lol). Here's an example of how it is for me; It's like there is no checkpoint with the apartment complex I live in! EVERYONE here is annoying to the point where I wanna build my ass a rocket-ship and land in The London, UK! — Well, with enough cash plus some more to get me started. So! I'd love to live there because it's like IDK I get them! Can't wait to have a smoke on London Bridge lol Oh! Just as an err: (1) I do not have kids; (2) Yes, it'd be nice if we did; and (3), Yes—I speak Japanese [Ohhiyo dzenou gouzaimashita! Terre te nanu de ka?], German [Fschei no eschk men?], & Spanish [Que onta seora?] — Basically, meaning, "Hi! How you do?" lol "I'm fine & how are you?" Aaaaaaaaand, of course, I speak English because; well, you're obviously reading this in English! Hah! Anyway, in closure—Las Vegas, NV IS NOT all that bad; because, when it all comes down to it: I'm still alive! Especially the fact that their savored oblivious tax dollars are paying for it! Hah! lol jk So! I g2g! Man, I could use some DP or Pepsi or MmMmmm, Surge. Aeh, I'll just have a smoke. SSSsssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh! .. Shu Lien! Shu Lien! .. Shu . Oops. ?