ThuhL blog post


So! Here it is ...

by ThuhL,Jul/19/2020

? — I can only hope no one minds if I blog about this ... One reason why I adore this free dating website is because: Love "should" be free — all throughout. In of course, nothing is perfectly "free" which would be so ideal that'it'd be a nightmare ... Wouldn't it be nice if you were born next to someone you were lovingly meant to be with? No more fighting; no more arguing; no more ... dancing with loneliness' love. You'd stay with each other before the beginning and beyond the end. I can only have faith that one day — something like that'll happen ... Talk about'a planet shaped into a heart, right!? Figuratively speaking lol — Y'know, one way I think something like that would be possible is by studying the Zodiac. I always thought it began with Capricorn & ended with Sagittarius (instead of beginning with Aries). If that were the case, I'm sure this website would be the milestone for it Heeee ? Well — that's all I've'bout to say right now — I'll blog about later! Neno wa akarisu de nanu da ye desu! In other words in Japanese, "The best will be here! Stay well!" ? ? ?

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