
A Keeper Sought Out.
I am a Woman
From Concord, California, United States
Age 43 y.o.
Height 5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Body type Ample
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Spiritual
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children Maybe
Education Some college
Occupation Artist
Speak English
Income $10,000-$30,000/year
Smoker No
Drinker No
I look for a man, 30-50 y.o. white for relationship, romance
Preferable height 6'4" (191cm) or above
Preferable body type Average
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

Please read ENTIRE BIO

Hello, so here is my profile! I am seeking a quality rich individual, who cares about getting to know me, to build a foundation. Please, I am only looking to talk to someone serious and who is willing to be monogamous and make a lasting commitment. I prefer a balance, when speaking with someone if that makes any sense, and think a great connection and chemistry, between, two people is highly beneficial and very crucial. I do believe in Astrology and think, it does matter in a match. With that being said, I think the Chinese, is more accurate. At this current time, I am pursuing school and learning, I am seeking more employment, in my community and I am currently developing an entrepreneurial business. Please ask if you are interested in knowing further. I hope we can engage, in lots of topics and get better acquainted, and have a loving relationship, in the long run. Only serious individuals and please don't have a one-track mind or think all women should look like Barbie. Please be, only from the USA, and only, be able to hold a conversation, about topics, besides an average lay or sexual innuendo and yes, I am ok, with distance. I live in a board and care, but it's only temporary. I am rightfully sane, but mentally disabled, but I take medication, go to routine doctor visits, and I am on SSDI, and can have a relationship, but I want to invest time too, with the person, over time and grow. Please I am NOT INTO heavy drinkers, smokers, any kind of drug users, or illegal partying!!!! And I can't stand bots or scammers. I include people within this category, who can't speak English properly. It may sound biased, but even though I have my, opinions I think, I am right, about what makes sense, in conversing, with someone else. I welcome people who are different, in a sense, in their political stance (within reason), their religion, or any of the like, just don't force, your opinions, on me and we will, be ok. I just want someone mainly who compliments me and will, be able to be, eventually my other half. Marriage is nice but isn't necessary and I am undecided, at this point about children, but I have thought about it. I mean, I would have to say, if I did have kids, I would ultimately, want to adopt, preferably around the age, of 5-10 years, and then raise, as my own. I think this would be the best approach, for me, to have kids. So anyway, I think I have said a lot already. If you are still intrigued, after reading, message me please. Thanks and I hope to meet you and get to know you more.

About my ideal partner:


-Be Tall.
-Be able to hold a conversation.
-Be interesting.
-Take care of yourself.
-Be very family-oriented.
-Be open-minded and adventurous, or willing to
-You drive.
-You are self-sufficient, with money.
-You want balance, in a relationship.
-Be a foodie.
-Love to explore and do stuff, in the community.
-Have commonalities, with me.
-Have the drive and are ambitious.
-Don't care about distance.
-Have a job or are rightfully employed.
-Willing to take chances, in life.
-Are a go-getter.
-Are empathetic and kind.
-Are honest always, show integrity always, and are
always loyal.
-Value monogamy and commitment, always.
-Are understanding and patient.
-Are helpful and welcoming.
-Are resourceful and creative.
-Are persistent and resilient.
-Want something serious and want to grow.

More photos of me:

  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.
  • A Keeper Sought Out.

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