
Starting Over Want to Live Life to the Fullest with a new Place, new Buisness, finish School. get new toys and find a open minded woman to meet,talk And Play.
I am a Man
From Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Age 56 y.o.
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Cuddly
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Catholic
Marital status Separated
Children 1
Want children No matters
Education College student
Occupation self employed again soon
Speak English
Income $10,000/year and less
Smoker Rarely
Drinker Rarely
I look for a woman, 27-75 y.o. white/asian/native american for activity partner, friendship, relationship, romance, casual, travel partner
Preferable body type Average
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

Single dad of 18 yr old son. seperated 4 yrs ou of 18 yr relationship. Navy Brat Navy Veteran. Well traveled lived in all but five states in USA. 4 Yrs Dunnoon Scotland. 2 Yrs Ceiba Puerto Rico. Out of the box thinker. Try to look for positive in most situations. creative, imaginative, adventourous, personality. like to try or do new things within reason. establish a buisness for myself that takes care of family, bills, so we can go out and complete bucket lists, compete in RatRod Car shows.and romance you as we get going on a new page in life if feelings are mutual. im a excelent cook. neat and organized clean can hold intelegent conversations. good listener. at the begining making time for each other and the excitment of anticipation to see each other. oceans lakes rivers hills mountians caves sunrises sunsets get to know each others Minds And Bodies, bad back but getting procedure soon Adapt and overcome. lets achieve goals and dreams together. i have opionions but not opinionated. raised respecting a womans thoughts and feelings. theres allways comprimise as long as it doesnt counter personal values.a lot going on but will make time daily for a new woman in my life and more as time goes by.

About my ideal partner:

we can talk all day online but when we first meet is when well know if theres a mutual connection. or the friend zone. no rush all we have is time.

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