Ovid Single Men

  • man 32 y.o. from Ovid, Michigan, United States "Hey!" ~ Navi

    video games, reading, smoking, the occasional beverage, and lots and lots of lazy. These things are pretty much me. I'm usually friendly, I think, but I'm also painfully shy.

  • man 63 y.o. from Ovie, Michigan, United States Limited time Offer

    I have what you are looking for right here a rare 1961 model year My frame is sound, engine is strong and transmission is good. My fuel gauge is always half full, ready for the adventure I live in the county raised on a farm, been stuck in the snow and mud and always broke free. I have bailed hay ... view more

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Ovid Single Men

Single men from Ovid and nearby cities. Join 100% free online dating site. No credit card required to contact singles here.